Mission Support
The Parishioners, Vestry and Clergy at Saint Nicholas are pleased to be able to support the ministries of a number of worthwhile missionary causes both here at home and throughout the world.
Please visit the following links and consider lending your support to these interests:
Anglican Mission Thailand - Saint Alban's Mission of Mercy
Operation Exodus USA
Operation Exodus USA is a Christian organization that exists to assist Jewish people to immigrate to Israel. Operation Exodus USA is affiliated with Ebenezer Emergency Fund International, a ministry started in the United Kingdom in 1991 by Gustav Scheller. There are representatives in over 50 countries around the world. Together, we have assisted over 150,000 Jewish people to return to Israel from many different nations, especially those living in the former Soviet Union (fSU). For more infomrtion how you can help click here.
International Anglican Fellowship
Our mission, as the "missionary arm" of the Traditional Anglican Communion is to serve as a conduit for financial help for missionary work and church-building in places like Guatemala, India, South Africa, Zambia, and the United States. The work of the IAF is supported by direct contributions.
Nicaragua Mission Project
Our goal is to reach out to those who "have not" through the generosity and concern of those who "have". It is through this sharing that those who receive can sustain a hope for something better and a faith that there is a future to look forward to. Those who give live the command given us to "love one another". And in thisway, we will all find the kingdom of God.